More and more dangerous fireworks (Tragedy beckons, does anyone care?)
Here’s another timely article about it: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2025/02/08/tragedy-beckons-does-anyone-care/ An excerpt, referring to the recent Hokkien New Year on 6th February: Where is the consideration, celebrants? Today and tomorrow are working and school days for the multitude of residents. The incessant fireworks disrupt our daily lives and show a lack of respect for those who do not…
Those blasted fireworks and firecrackers
I’m glad to hear and read that many Malaysians, including the Chinese Malaysians, have expressed their anger and annoyance at the selfish and indiscrimate use of fireworks and firecrackers this Chinese New Year. Here are two reports: No common sense: https://thesun.my/style-life/going-viral/late-night-fireworks-during-pai-ti-kong-angers-malaysians-please-have-some-common-sense-CH13631074 Just plain angry: https://thesun.my/style-life/going-viral/woman-condemns-those-setting-off-fireworks-at-4am-during-chinese-new-year-FA13643723 I must say I’m slightly amused by the comment, “How…
Juno’s spaying – post-op Day 2
Juno had very good appetite yesterday and she also defecated, so two things ticked off my list. But she did not urinate. I waited until very late last night and even put her into one of the litter boxes at the pantry, but there was no urination. Riley accompanied her in the pantry all night,…
Juno is spayed!
The short version: Juno is spayed and all is well! 9.00am this morning I’ve been nervous for the past few days ever since I set the appointment for Juno’s spaying last week. The appointment is today. This afternoon. I know the spaying has to be done, the benefits far outweighs the risks of the surgery.…
Happy Meatless Friday with a moringa breakfast!
I’ve learnt about the bountiful benefits of the moringa plant so we managed to get two saplings about a month ago and planted them in pots. They are both growing very well. After learning to identify the leaves, we noticed at least five moringa trees in our neighbourhood, by the roadside. They aren’t very tall…
The second review of PledgeCare products
This is my second review of the PledgeCare products. Our cats weren’t exactly interested in the two Meat Toppers, so I decided to try again this morning. I topped the Blondies’ buffet breakfast of wet food with the Fish Topper and as usual, left the food in four bowls for them. Being the most fussy…
Pilling Robin and giving Orozyme to the rest
I wish someone could take a video of Robin running to the table to be fed his daily Cystophan. He’s just so, so good. He’s already jumped up the table to wait for his Cystophan, followed by Orozyme. Ginger’s Kidney Support Gold and Hyaflex (both liquid), followed by Orozyme. Orozyme for Lynx and Rey (halfway…
Gerald and Creamy after yesterday’s fireworks
Last night’s fireworks was really bad after midnight. There is a law against lighting up after midnight, despite the legalisation of the dreaded materials. I didn’t manage to get Gerald back yesterday evening. I got him back in the afternoon, but he was yowling till no end, wanting to go back out, so I let…
Trying out another Malaysian-made pet food, PledgeCare
About three weeks ago, Julius Sondergaard, co-founder of PledgeCare, wrote to me to ask if I could review their cat food. PledgeCare was co-founded by Julius and his partner, Louis Tan, in 2018. You can read all about this Malaysian company here: https://pledgecare.org/ Here’s a little background about the company, from Julius: We started as…
Fireworks, the cat dashed out…..now, back home after 5 days!
Last Thursday, my friend lost her cat. Must have been during the dreadul fireworks. Her cat just dashed out. After two days, she asked me for the contacts of animal communicators. I have a compiled list and I sent it to her. Then, I suddenly remembered a reiki teacher I was in touch with many…
Mass sterilisation to control strays – from TheStar
The news: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2025/02/03/mass-sterilisation-to-control-strays An excerpt from the report: The state authorities must partner with animal welfare and rescue groups to neuter street animals to control their population as well as to ensure they have sufficient food, said Dr Saravanakumar Supramaniam Pillai, a former senior deputy director of the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS). “Otherwise there…
Do your cats play “musical bowls” while eating together?
If they do, here’s an idea shared by my vet-friend: Or, if you have cats on special diets whose food should not be shared by other cats, you can do the above too! This would be a case of “sharing is not caring”! Happy hunting for cardboard boxes to do it!
Samantha’s great escape…to upstairs
Samantha seldom ever escapes from the room, but she did just now. I was just putting their dinner bowls inside when she suddenly sneaked out and dashed upstairs. Luckily the whole house is escape-proof. My only worry is the front door when someone opens it. So I wasn’t unduly worried about it, just that it…
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Recent Posts
- More and more dangerous fireworks (Tragedy beckons, does anyone care?)
- Those blasted fireworks and firecrackers
- Juno’s spaying – post-op Day 2
- Juno is spayed!
- Happy Meatless Friday with a moringa breakfast!
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