• Sweet Juno and Robin’s updates

    Juno is, by far, the most obedient (and possibly smartest) cat we’ve ever had. Every morning, she waits for her probiotic. Can you believe that? And this morning, she even licked the powder before I could mix it with some Ciao treat. Unbelievable!! While the Blondies will run for their lives if they see me…

  • The crisis of the urban sprawl

    Something for all of us to think about, especially in view of many festive seasons coming up, one after another: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2025/01/25/malaysias-silent-crisis-of-urban-sprawl/ Some excerpts: The cost of urban sprawl The ecological toll of urban sprawl is devastating. Forests are cleared, green lungs are destroyed and natural habitats are obliterated. Each time we hear of a tiger…

  • Robin stands his ground

    This morning, Robin had yet another encounter with Smurfy. I was right there, so I bore witness to the whole episode. Smurfy started it first. I was just about to feed everyone and I started with Robin first because he eats at his privileged spot on the table. Robin was starting to eat his RC…

  • Juno, Riley and Tabs

    It’s Juno! She’s growing but still rather slowly. However, sometimes I do mistake her for Riley! Now, this is Riley. I asked the vet yesterday why Juno still hasn’t displayed any signs of being in heat. The vet says sometimes certain cats only have “silent heat”. This means they don’t display any of the behavioral…

  • A Gerald-Creamy encounter from the roof to the ledge

    The yowling started from our roof, and proceeded to the ledge. And then, it was quiet and peaceful.

  • A chance meeting with Ivan from Jungle Farm (local green jackfruit…coming soon!)

    I was shopping at Vitafoods for my fresh groceries when who did I bump into, after so many years?? It was Ivan Ho himself, in the flesh! He was there to deliver his Kampung Harvest eggs. We got talking and I learnt so much (again) from him. Let me try and remember everything he told…

  • Gerald and Creamy’s updates

    My fourth trial to get Gerald to stay indoors lasted less than 24 hours. By evening, he was too restless and demanded to be released. So since then, I have been playing it by ear. Gerald will ask to come in when and only when he wants to come in. So I will let him.…

  • Robin has normal urine!

    We slept downstairs last night so that I could keep an ear out in case there were any fights between Robin and Smurfy. Also, in case Robin asks for help. All was well through the night. First thing this morning, at around 4.30am, I went out to check on Robin and believe it or not,…

  • Robin is doing okay (FIC)

    I think Robin is doing much better after the vet’s visit. The Meloxicam anti-inflammatory injection must be doing its job. He’s active, very alert and happily grooming himself. I have not seen any straining since then. After coming back from the vet’s, he urinated a wee bit too. Just a very small amount. I have…

  • Robin to the vet’s – FIC (urinary issues)

    6.00am: Yesterday, I thought I saw Robin squatting at the sandbox and I suspected something was amiss, so I went to check and the soil didn’t seem wet. Of course it has been raining lately and I could not be 100% sure. I watched him and he seemed totally normal in his behaviour. His appetite…

  • Bird flu cases rising in the west

    A few days ago, a friend forwarded a video to me which warns of the avian flu as having the potential to cause a next global pandemic. In the video, the person also cautions people about eating chicken and turkey. After watching the entire video, I did a quick search on the internet and indeed,…

  • Happy Meatless Monday!!

    Here we go again, another Monday and another good day to save the animals….by not eating them. The photo below is not my breakfast today. It was lunch on some other day. I’m still doing intermittent fasting and I don’t eat breakfast until much, much later. These are Kampung Harvest eggs where the hens live…

  • A fourth trial with Gerald

    They say that the third time’s a charm, but it did not work with Gerald. I’m referring to my three previous trials in trying to acclimatise Gerald to staying indoors. Lately, he didn’t mind coming into the house, so I’m capitalising on this that he may have changed his mind about staying indoors. Maybe? So,…

  • Taking care of ourselves, for our animals (the gut-oral-skin-brain axis)

    I’ll keep this short by sharing links about the gut-brain axis, the oral-brain axis and the skin-brain axis. The gut-brain axis: https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/the-gut-brain-connection The oral-brain axis: https://www.psypost.org/the-oral-brain-axis-new-research-uncovers-surprising-links-between-the-bacteria-in-your-mouth-and-mental-health-symptoms/ It isn’t uncommon to hear of animals caregivers experiencing depression, anxiety and mental fatigue. Sometimes, it pays to consider gut health and oral health too. There is a connection…

  • Neutering aid for 1 cat in Puchong (So Eileen’s)

    We have provided an aid of RM150 for the neutering of this cat, Xiao Bai. This is Ms So Eileen’s first application.

Neutering 11411
Medical/Vaccination 2561
e-Rehoming 1228
TOTAL 15200
Food 518 batches
Education many more

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