Updates on Buzz

Ref: http://animalcare.my/2011/04/buzz-cat-with-diaphragmatic-hernia.html

Buzz was found to have diaphragmatic hernia about two weeks ago.  Since she was only rescued about two weeks prior to the check-up, there was a chance she might be pregnant.  If so, surgery would have been absolutely necessary as delivery of her babies would cause more organs to be pushed into the chest cavity, resulting in almost-certain death.

An X-Ray revealed that she was probably not pregnant, but we were advised to confirm with an ultra-sound two weeks later (which is about now).

The ultra-sound was done yesterday, and here’s the outcome:

Sumitra writes:

This morning Agnes and I sent Buzz for an ultra scan to check if Buzz is pregnant. Good news, Buzz is NOT pregnant. She was so stress while doing the scan and her breathing was very heavy. The vet had to take it slow and with patience to allow Buzz to relax. Buzz had to do the scanning standing on her 4 legs. The vet was so kind as he did the scan FOC.

Attached is a picture of Buzz in her one room apartment with bathroom attached.

We are so glad to hear that Buzz is not pregnant.
Sumitra has adopted Buzz now and will look after her.  A cat with diaphragmatic hernia must be prevented from jumping, knocking into surfaces and should not be overweight.  The surgery to repair the hernia is extremely high-risk, hence, unless the cat’s life is in danger from the hernia, many caregivers opt not to put their cats under the risk of the knife. 
Have a happy life, Buzz, and thank you, Sumitra!






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