Updates on Fifi, the rescued Siberian Husky (Lee’s)

Yesterday, I contacted Ah Yoke to ask if she could get anymore information about Fifi from the former owner as Lee is concerned about Fifi’s medical history.

This morning, Ah Yoke called to say Fifi had actually been through surgery due to a case of poisoning (that explains why Fifi had vomited blood once before). During this surgery, Fifi was also spayed. The owner had offered to speak with her vet in Puchong to release information about Fifi to Lee.

Meanwhile, here are updates from Lee:

Dear Dr. Chan,
I would like to thank you as my courage for doing what best for Fifi was inspired by your blog. And I do really envy you as you have the support from your family members on what you are doing now for the needy animals out there.
Here are some pictures of Fifi,
1. Introduction to my Little Devils.
2. Curiosity among them and the barking started.
3. Then finally shih tsu and husky can get along, but not the Schnauzer.
Tried to convert to PDF, but failure to do so, may be there are some damage on file.
Therefore will send you other pictures in the next email.
Thank you and Best Regards,



Dr. Chan,
Another pics.
1. The watery poops, result from the welcoming pizza treat gave to her the night before.
2. Her usual kibble that she didnt touch at all, due to the tasty pizza given earlier.
3. Now gave her the canned food which my dogs normally eat.
4. During night, I keep her inside the cage, although neighbourhood is safe but still worry if there is a psycho out there try to posion her.
    My husband said am too paranoid, but still prefer prevention better than sorry.




I know the cage provided by the owner is too fit for her and she doesnt have space to move around. So I use carton box and her cage to confined her area for her bed time on second nite.
Thank you and Best Regards,


Lee just texted to say that Fifi does NOT have hip dysplasia, and the Taipan vet has obtained Fifi’s history from the Puchong vet now. The surgery (as relayed by Ah Yoke this morning) was to remove poison from the stomach.

Meanwhile we have adopters for Fifi, and I have directed them to Lee for consideration.

If you or your friends are interested to adopt Fifi, pls contact Lee directly at knutlee@yahoo.com 






One response to “Updates on Fifi, the rescued Siberian Husky (Lee’s)”

  1. Yen Ling

    Fifi, you are a beautiful dog. Let bygones be bygones. Positive chi to you for a new, happy, warm and blessed home for a brand new year! Thanks Lee, for the kind fostering.

    If I had my own space, I’ll take her in. Hubby and I adore Husky. Am living with in-laws & they are kind enough to allow me to have one dog (a rescued JRT). With that, I am thankful, I am blessed and must not be greedy to push the limit.

    Fifi, stay positive!

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