Medical subsidy for Houdini (sporo-cat) and spaying subsidy for Irena, female dog from the Org Asli settlement (Susan Ann Bell & Margie Tan Chin Liang’s)

We have subsidised RM20 for Houdini’s sporo medication and subsidised RM150 for Irena’s spaying. This subsidy comes from the AnimalCare Donors (RM60) and Berjaya Cares (RM110).

From: susan monk
Date: Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 7:56 AM
Subject: Houdini and Irena-Medical and Neutering subsidy
To: Chan Kah Yein <>

Dear Dr. Chan,

I would like to apply for medical subsidy for Houdini’s ongoing medical treatment for sporotrichosis.

All of his sores and wounds on his face,ears, and both his front legs have healed.There is only one sore that has not completely healed on his left elbow.The vet recommends another 2 more weeks of treatment and then another review.

mini-Houdini (2) mini-Houdini
Margie and I have taken the first of the females from the Orang Asli settlement , where we feed around 17 dogs, to be spayed.She has previously had a couple of litters.

She has been successfully spayed and returned to the colony.We have named her Irena.

We would also like to apply for neutering subsidy for Irena.

Thank you very much

kind regards


mini-Irena-Before surgery mini-Irena-after neutering




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