Dog with serious skin infection on his way to recovery

Hi everyone,

Its JoTong here.

I would like to share my experience in one of my cases in handling a male dog who has serious skin disease. Now he is on his way to recovery after I fed him Cephalexin and Coatex.

I first met this male dog in mid April 2023 and when I first saw him, he was literally bald all over his body and there was a very smelly odour emitting from his body. All his 4 paws were swollen and red. His face was twisted and I guessed he must have been in very painful condition. I took pictures of his body condition and showed it to my vet for her advice on how I could help this dog, given that this dog is very skittish and there is no way I can touch him at all. The vet recommended Cephalexin and Coatex.

I was only able to feed him the medicines during the days when he came out from the factory that he was living in. I could only hope the medicines will help him in easing his pain from the skin infection.

After feeding him with the 1st dose of Cephalexin, I did not see him again until another 3 days later and I noticed that the swelling on his paws seemed to have subsided. Then I fed him with the 2nd dose of Cephalexin. I knew that it would be best to feed him daily doses of Cephalexin for at least 10 days but it was difficult to feed him the medicines daily. I continued to feed him Cephalexin when I had the chance to see him. By mid May 2023, I stopped Cephalexin and started to feed him Coatex to improve his skin and coat health.

The below photos show him in April 2023 and June 2023.





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