Day: November 29, 2023

  • The Blondies and friends

    Here are some photos taken at breakfast today, in Bunny’s Place and Tabs’ Kitchen. Kai (on the left) and Indra. Both are eating raw food and being good. Akira decided to skip breakfast today. It’s funny how the Monsters NEVER skip a meal, but the Blondies can easily skip it and not feel hungry. Samantha…

  • Gerald’s fur at the flanks

    I think Gerald’s flank fur is slowly growing back. Very slowly, though. You can still see the big difference in the colour because of the initial balding at the flanks. But the fur is slowly growing back now. He still needs another Advocate spot-on early next month. Luckily it’s nothing serious. Just balding due to…

  • AIMing to double cats’ lifespan

    This article was republished in 2020 from the original in September 2018, so it’s really very old news, but exciting and hopeful!! Here it is: Nearly 10 million cats are kept in Japan, and many of them die of kidney disease. Since discovering 20 years ago the “AIM” protein which is found in the…