Panna’s updates (from Szetoo Yu Ming) and balance of donations re-donated to AnimalCare Fund

Here are some updates on Panna, the 2-legged former alley cat.

Szetoo writes:

Panna is doing great and eating well too. His stitches has healed well and it has almost flattened up. The shaven part has also slowly grown back and probably take another month or two to return to normal. He’s now walking like a T-Rex dinosaur, balancing on his 2 front legs and the back portion lifted up. However he can’t go far and the lower back body had to occasionally touch the ground to balance himself.

I think Panna is good and please redonate the balance of the funds to others. Thanks.

Thank you very much, Szetoo and Panna. We hope Panna continues to be feisty, healthy and strong!

Date Donations Expenses Details
13-Jan-24 4000
14-Jan-24 2695.10 Balance of vet bill of RM4695.10
17-Jan-24 637.08 Supplies and food
18-Jan-24 100
23-Jan-24 95.00 Follow-up check-up
6-Feb-24 672.82 Re-donate to AnimalCare Fund
Total 4100 4100.00
Balance 0.00

The donors:

Fundraising for Panna
Lim Kean Joo 300 TnG
Ong Khing Wee 200 bank
Wong Chin Kuan 50 bank
Toffee Moffee Gal 200 TnG
Joy Saga 150 bank
Judy Chua 100 bank
Tong Yut Fun 150 bank
Agnes Cheong 100 TnG
Indy, Tabs & Ginger 200 bank
Koh Seow Pen 200 TnG
Tan Sze Yin 200 TnG
Suhaila Marican 100 TnG
Loke Phaik Huah 300 bank
Chew Jin Toh 200 bank
Coco, CC, EB, TY, Woo & MC 100 bank
Chim Siew Choon 200 TnG
Anoymous 200 TnG
Khoo Ming-Yi 50 bank
Julia Chong Chui Lin 100 TnG
From the estate of Sumitra Siew 300 bank
Kon Chee Min 200 TnG
Lee Pek Jong 50 TnG
Tony Tan 50 bank
Anonymous 100 bank
Pang Eng Eng 200 TnG
Chow Yi Lin 100 bank
Total 4100







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