Day: November 7, 2024

  • Juno’s temperature has come down to normal!

    Just received good news from the vet! Juno’s temperature has come down to normal! Yay! She also struggled a lot and it took three tries to take her temperature but it was normal! Since being hospitalised, there has been no diarrhoea or vomiting. But also no faeces, so we don’t know if she has well-formed…

  • Visiting Juno with videos for Jayden too

    I spent about 1.5 hours with Juno this afternoon. She really perked up when she saw me. And I think she looks better than she did this morning. The drip and antibiotics must be helping. The vet assistant fed her and gave her her IV-medicines. She finished all her ID without much struggle, syringe-fed. I…

  • Juno is hospitalised

    The vet advised me to bring Juno in this morning so I did. The fecal examination showed no more coccidia today, so this might mean the Baycox did its work. But no test gives a 100% certainty since it was just a sample of fecal matter. Yesterday’s test showed “a few” coccidia. Today, no more.…

  • Juno’s morning

    I was hoping to share good news, but my wish did not come true. There was vomit on the bathroom floor this morning. At least I think it’s vomit, because Juno would defecate in the litter box and vomit on the bathroom floor so this was on the bathroom floor. There was no diarrhoea, no…