Day: February 2, 2025

  • Samantha’s great escape…to upstairs

    Samantha seldom ever escapes from the room, but she did just now. I was just putting their dinner bowls inside when she suddenly sneaked out and dashed upstairs. Luckily the whole house is escape-proof. My only worry is the front door when someone opens it. So I wasn’t unduly worried about it, just that it…

  • The Blondies’ news

    A truly rare occasion where Akira the Junkie chose raw chicken over her favourite kibble. I really must increase the Blondies’ consumption of wet food. But what can I do when they would rather starve than eat wet food? Recently, Samantha has been going back to Cubgrub, which is a good thing. Kai likes canned…

  • Robin completes his antibiotics and the scare by Ginger

    Robin completed his antibiotics for the FIC yesterday. That’s a course of Baytril for 10 days. But he had already recovered 24 hours after starting treatment, actually. Still, the course of antibiotics must be completed. He is still on Cystophan, twice daily for two weeks since the start, and after that, once daily as maintenance.…