Category: Disaster Relief
URGENT: Volunteers needed at Cat Beach, Penang
Teviot Fairservis of Cat Lovers International Society (Persatuan Pencinta Kucing Antarabangsa) founded Cat Beach to house street cats due to last year’s declaration by the Chief Minister of Penang of a “Zero Strays Policy”. Cat Beach is located in a fishing village at the beach in Teluk Bahang, Penang. Their Facebook page: Currently, because of the rabies alert,…
Bodhisattvas in Action, helping the animals in Nepal
The full article: Some photos to share, courtesy of the BIA, with consent from the founder, Chogyal Rinpoche.
An update on the animal rescue efforts in Nepal
This is an update from HSI:
Nepal earthquake: HSI’s animal rescue team is on the ground
An update from HSI:
-’s Flood Relief Communications Centre
Please help if you can.’s Flood Relief Communications Center is launched! You can now instantly register yourself as a flood relief volunteer to help the stranded animals at the east coast, or donate to the cause online. SPCA Selangor will be coordinating the volunteers and logistics accordingly with on-ground teams. The first trip…
Help for the animal flood victims in the East Coast
Charity begins at home, folks. There has been massive floods in the East Coast and many animals have been displaced. A reader sent us this: Sookie Store is collecting petfood and pet supply donations for the animals in need in the East Coast. If you are interested in contributing, please contact them directly. Our disclaimer…
Disaster report: Helping the animals in Cebu Island, the Phillipines
Typhoon Haiyan has caused devastation on Cebu Island, and HSI has stepped in to help the animals there:
Sandy relief: The need is incredible
This is a message from the Humane Society, USA: An excerpt: Many people tried to ride out the storm with their pets, but they have been doing so in flood-damaged homes with no heat and no electricity. Now, mandatory evacuations mean they must leave their homes. In many cases, they cannot take their pets. So we…
An update from Soi Dog on the illegal meat trade
An Update On The Dogs Rescued From The Illegal Dog Meat Trade Dear Friends and Supporters of Soi Dog, Firstly, many thanks to those of you who have joined the Trade of Shame campaign aimed at stopping the illegal dog meat trade from Thailand to Vietnam. I am pleased to be able to advise you…
Brainstorming for solutions to halt the dog-hunts
This is from one of our readers who has requested anonymity. I believe all of us who feel that street dogs in our country ought to be treated with more respect and given a chance to live on would want to do something constructively towards this end. Shall we brainstorm on how this can be…
A Bed Of Thorns, Part 9
Today, the Kawan and Hoarder brought the remaining 6 dogs for vaccination at the vet’s. With this, all 12 dogs have been vaccinated now, and we have banked in the money to the vet directly. The vet is also treating the dogs for their skin problem and they have been advised to bring the dogs…
A Bed Of Thorns, Part 8
Ref: You would have read from Part 7 that the Hoarder had somehow changed her mind and decided to retract her statement to our volunteer. Her husband texted me to say she will be keeping all her animals until “such a time when it is unavoidable”. I told him we may not be able to…
A Bed Of Thorns, Part 7
I received an email from the Kawan today saying that they have discussed our offer to relocate as many of her (the Hoarder’s) animals as we possibly can. The Kawan urged her to think over carefully first. Hence, there is still no reply so far. Here are photos taken by our volunteer at the Hoarder’s…
A Bed Of Thorns (Part 6)
Ref: Six of the 12 dogs from the Hoarder have been sent to the vet’s for vaccination. All have been vaccinated and 3 of them received injections for their skin condition. As pledged, we will subsidise these vaccinations as soon as I receive the receipts. Our volunteer went up to visit the place today. Many…
A message from Soi Dog, Thailand
As The Flood Waters Recede The Animals Of Thailand Need Your Help! Dear Kah, To those of you who have generously donated towards helping the animal victims of Bangkok’s recent floods many thanks. As the flood waters retreat our rescuers are able to reach more and more dogs who urgently need your help! The dedication of…