Category: Rescue 2022

  • Small steps with Riley

    Riley did not eat this morning. She must be still stressed from the major change in her life, taken from the street to a room in our house. She also has not urinated or defecated since yesterday afternoon. I was worried and I consulted the vet but she says to let her be and give…

  • Updates on Kinta Dog – half the surgery done

    According to Mr Lu, the vet only did half the surgery yesterday as the “growth” was way too big and not all could be removed. Kinta Dog is recuperated at the vet’s now and the next surgery will be done next week to remove all of it. I’m sorry if the information above is not…

  • Riley eats and blinks!!

    Riley did not eat all afternoon. But by evening, I took down her un-eaten food and replaced it with fresh canned food (Back2Nature) and when I went up to check – it was finished!!! That’s three-quarters of a can. Then I replenished it with another whole can. Riley has come out of the carrier and…

  • How old is Riley?

    The vet’s is fully booked until next Tuesday for surgeries. So I made an appointment for a check-up and if Riley is not old enough to be neutered, perhaps we could deworm and vaccinate her first. Getting Riley into the carrier was quite a challenge. She was quite happy hiding under the side table beside…

  • Ladies and gentlemen….a raffia string (Riley is caught)!

    So we simply had to catch Riley, with Creamy around. We tried the usual. I placed the bowl of food in the house and I sat outside the shoe bench to wait. Riley actually went in halfway through the doorway but she is too smart. She refused to go in. So there I was, waiting…

  • A donation to help the rescued dog in Perak (Kinta Dog)

    We managed to get a donation of RM600 to chip in to help the rescued dog in Perak: We approached individual donors because this is a little out of the norm of our neutering aid for individuals. The group that rescued the dog (Persatuan Pencinta Haiwan Daerah Kinta Perak) says they will use their society…

  • A rescue story with a happy ending in Perak (Kinta Dog)

    On 24th November 2022, a young lady from a town in Perak wrote 4 emails to me seeking help to rescue and treat a free-roaming female dog with visible TVT (TVT is a cancer but totally treatable with chemo injections). The young lady felt that the dog has the will to live and from her…