I am very touched that we are still receiving many emails and contributions from all over, even days after all the “excitement” has died down.
Many thanks to today’s donors:
Chan Yee Fun
Lee Sook Peng
Oi Loon Lee
Ter Tia Kim
No. 16
Lee Family
Eng Ching Kiaw
Leong Sing Fun
Shee Boon Keng
Yee Kuan Yeok
Lim Tze Cheng
Lim Family
Our work needs long-term support. The Ketam Tragedy started with the rescue work, then came the medical treatment and now the rehoming. But that is not the end, LLLF has so graciously offered us the 13 places, so on our end, we aim to support them in whatever way possible, especially in supplying food for the dogs that we have sent there.
Joanie was a neglected stray cat, dying due to obstructed labour. Today, she is recovering, slowly, but surely. Though her future is uncertain, we are providing everything possible for her every day. And every day, IS a miracle for Joanie.
There may be other Joanies out there (we hope not, of course!) who need our help. There are definitely many, many strays out there who need to be spayed and neutered to prevent unwanted births.
AnimalCare needs your support, and we gratefully thank you for your contributions.
Many thanks to today’s donors