It was a beeeautiful day today. When we arrived at LLLF, we were greeted by blue skies, fresh air, nature at its finest, and the friendly smiles and greetings of Bro Sui’s helpers.
These 6 dogs were much easier to get out of the van into the enclosure. However, one dog, Marco, escaped, but thanks to the quick actions of the helpers, he was quickly “tricked” into the enclosure. Or maybe, he voluntarily got in by himself?
I was particularly touched when I carried Meta in. Liberty (from the first batch) came to sniff at Meta, obviously a welcoming gesture, ie. “Hi old friend, glad you have come to join us!” And my, my, Liberty has certainly put on a visible amount of weight! Most of them look plumped up. That’s so wonderful.
Shahrul was totally enchanted by the place. I’m sure she would have loved to live there for good!
Roli said hello to all his dear, dear friends, and they too, welcomed him happily. Ahh…a meeting of old friends – what touching sight to warm the heart!
However, two of the dogs were visibly trembling when the large group of people first came into the enclosure. Maybe it’s the sudden influx of humans – what ARE these humans going to do to us again? But they quickly settled down as we sat down with them to watch them eat.
AnimalCare (thanks to your generous sponsorship) brought eggs, potatoes and carrots, and also, some goodies for the helpers. The brother who was in charged of cooking for the dogs showed us the interesting concoction he was whipping up for the dogs. Yumm, yumm….don’t mind having some ourselves. We told him to add some carrots, and soon, it became even more yumm, yumm….
Bro Sui later told us the dogs are adjusting very well to their rice+eggs+potatoes recipe. We may not need to supplement with the vege kibble for long, and this means, we can stretch the money further to supply raw food for them instead. Natural is always best.
Later, Shahrul and I (with the help of the others) bathed the farm’s dogs. We must have bathed at least 8 of them, amidst protests and some squeals. We got totally drenched!! After the bath, some of the dogs happily rubbed themselves dry on the soil again! ha ha… never mind. This might very well be their first bath in many years!
As always, we were treated to a durian feast. There was a slight drizzle after everything was done. No, it wasn’t rain. It was a shower of blessings from above. As Shahrul said, “this is a holy place, with holy people” (yes, it certainly is, and this includes our dogs!).
Rejoice, folks! And thanks for your support.
Here are some photos, courtesy of Hai Tao’s representative, Cinly:
Roli, the dogs’ angel.
She ain’t heavy, she’s a nice doggie!
We had to hold this one down as she was trying to escape.
You’re going to a safe place now, don’t worry. Look at those claws!!
Dr Zul and Chinkah, carrying a VIP, sedan-chair styled?
Hang on, just a bit more…
Carefully does it….open the dog now…IN you go!!