Meanwhile, Moira (the one with the brown scarf) was third in line for the little white kitten. Just as Ida and family had decided to adopt the white kitten, Moira arrived with her friend, Siti Ainun (in red).
I had earlier asked Moira if she would like a 1-month old orange kitten instead and Moira was agreeable. Unfortunately, this orange kitten has just caught a pretty bad flu, and Rani felts it would be better that she nurse her back to health first before giving her up for adoption.
At the same time, I asked Moira if she knew of anyone who would like to adopt the two brothers (I had advertised some days back – these two brothers had been returned by their owner). Two people had wanted to adopt only one, but Rani and I felt the brothers should not be separated as they are so close to one another.
So, a few phonecalls were made and Siti Ainun’s housemate was interested.
Luckily Moira had already bought a cage (supposedly for the orange kitten), as well as food and other paraphernalia. So, Moira and Siti brought the two brothers back to their new home today. I also loaded two square boxes into Moira’s cage because the brothers liked the boxes so much – it’s their security boxes!
What a great day for adoptions!!
Tomorrow will be another day, with new challenges ahead. Whatever it is, we hope we can help more animals.