Two kittens adopted by two lovely little boys

A nice lady called Rozy called me yesterday, asking me I had any male tabby kittens for adoption. 

Do I have kittens? 

Of course I have!  And even if I don’t, I will scout until I get the kittens. 

After all, HOW often do we get people coming forward to adopt rescued or stray kittens?  (Well, quite often, actually… and I’m so glad for this.)  And isn’t that what AnimalCare is promoting – caring for stray animals. 

So after some phonecalls to the rescuers, I managed to find four tabbies for Rozy to choose from.  Rozy says her sons have been asking for kittens as pets, so these kittens would be for them.

Isn’t that nice?  I have often heard children lamenting that they want to keep pets, but “my mother won’t let” (or “my father”).  Sometimes adults would rather not spend the money or time to look after a pet (yes, it’s always the mother who ends up looking after the pet), but they do not realise the intangible lessons of love that children will eventually learn from having a pet in the house.  Believe me, it can be as valuable as (if not more than) carting them for tuitions, dancing classes and other activities. 

So, kudos to Rozy and her husband, for agreeing to give their lovely sons the opportunity to care for pets.  And Rozy needs two – one for each child. 

Here’s the beautiful family, after selecting the two kittens they would like to bring home.  Rozy let her sons choose. 

What a pretty picture, yah?  Well, when it involves kids and kits (!!), it’s not easy to find a moment when everyone is looking at the camera, so this would have to do.

And here’s Papa teaching the boys how to care for the kittens. 

We wish Rozy, her husband and her two lovely sons lots of happiness with the two kittens.  Judging from what I saw, the two little boys would definitely take very good care of the kittens.






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