Finally, we have a full report from Teresa Chian, on the OKR 2nd rescue mission which was carried out last Thursday, 8th October, 2009:
The rescue of Dante:
At 1.30am on Tuesday Oct 6, I heard a distress call echoing from a near distance. Upon inspection, I found a black puppy crying & howling in the bushes next to the KTM railway tracks. He was alone and maybe abandoned by his pack because I saw a few adult dogs looking at the puppy from about 20m away. I jumped down into the railway tracks and picked up the puppy. She showed no resistance and was not hurt. But she was looking lost and tired. I carried her into the safety of my home and brought her to one of AnimalCare’s panel vet the next day. The Vet says she has the temperament & looks of a Black Labrador. At 2 months old, Dante (female puppy) is indeed a charmer. My neighbours are taking turns to care (feed, walk, play) for her until she finds a loving home. She has been dewormed, vaccinated & has very good toilet manners. Dante is ready for adoption. If interested, pls call Teresa at 017 330 7244.
The sterilisation of PR & friends
On the late afternoon of Tuesday Oct 6, I received a call from factory owner Adam Yap from Balakong. He got my number from a fellow animal lover in OKR. His dilemma: His factory dogs has been multiplying at a frightening rate. There were about 40 dogs living & fighting in his 3 acre factory land. As a result: There were different dogs packs and the Bullies took over by forcing the weaker packs to leave. There are about 20 dogs left now. He requested AnimalCare’s help with sterilisation. We immediately made arrangements to C-N-R-M the dogs that very week on Thursday, Oct 8. Adam and his family members are very supportive of CNRM. They contributed RM500 for the sterilisation and his mother and sister were very concerned about the after-surgery-care for the animals. I am very inspired by Adam and family’s love and concern towards the animals that are used as guard dogs in the factory compound. He calls each and every one of them by name. Below are the dogs who arrived at the panel vet clinic at 9.30am in a lorry (I don’t know their real names):
I call her PR because she is the friendliest doggie among all her mates and is the only dog allowed to go loose in the clinic. She greets all dogs and human by lifting her front two paws.
Teresa and the dogs in the clinic waiting area. She is carrying Dante with PR beside her.
The next surgery is on Thursday, Oct 22. I will follow-up with this batch of dogs and Adam will try to capture another 8 dogs for the next sterilisation.
Viva la CNRM!
Yes, yes! Kudos to Teresa for all this hard work! Seven strays spayed/neutered, thousands of unwanted deaths prevented!