My 5th Form English teacher and wonderful friend, Mrs Wong Yew Choong, sent me this link a moment ago:
Please read it, it’s interesting.
Here’s one paragraph:
Many researchers also recognize that we have to be anthropomorphic (attribute human traits to animals) when we discuss animal emotions, but that if we do it carefully, we can still give due consideration to the animals points of view. No matter what we call it, researchers agree that animals and humans share many traits, including emotions. Thus, we’re not inserting something human into animals; rather, we’re identifying commonalities and then using human language to communicate what we observe. Being anthropomorphic is doing what’s natural and necessary to understand animal emotions.
I just learnt a new word today – anthropomorphic!! Thanks, Mrs Wong – once my teacher, always my teacher!
The article also talks about interspecies emotional bonding. It cites the friendship between a most unlikely pair – a snake and a hamster!
If animals can foster interspecies bonding and friendship, shouldn’t we humans who fight and kill each other be totally ashamed of ourselves?
The article also talks about animals being capable of practising morality. Hear, hear!
The “king” of all species is therefore NOT the one who wields its authority and mastership over all animals.
The “king” should be the one who is most capable of compassion to all species, especially those who are weaker than him.
Who would that be?
Following the leader, the leader, the leader,