I would like to record my personal thanks to everyone who has written in in support of what we do, especially in view of the recent brickbats from that one staff from the local shelter. The comments from all of you can be read below the 2 earlier postings on this issue, and your personal emails to me are gratefully appreciated.
I just wish to share with you, the following, from a good friend and mentor:
All of us who have and are still putting as much as we can to improve the lives of our animal sentient beings, have experienced what you have experienced.
We can despair and give up.
We can see “negativities” as our “most precious teachers”
We can examine our own motivation
We can see the emptiness of all phenomena
We can see the wisdom of “neither attachment to praise or (unconstructive) criticisms”
and carry on…even if it were to benefit just ONE animal
I have always preferred to see the silver lining behind every cloud, and have chosen to view this as a blessing in disguise for us to return to our mission of helping small-time rescuers and their animals. A good reminder and a good “bonk on the head”!
I should also see these negatives as “our most precious teachers”, reminding us that no matter what we do, no matter how sincere our intentions are, there are bound to be people who will misconstrue them, view us negatively, and embark on a fault-finding spree. This is a fact of life that cannot be avoided.
A very wise man once said that if a person hurls insults at you and you do not respond, the insults would bounce back to her.
So, shh….