We’d like to express our most sincere appreciation to Alicia Ling Hoseley of Pet Epicure, who has so graciously donated the proceeds from the tickets she sold for The Raw Truth talk recently, to our general fund.
Thank you very much, Alicia.
Alicia sells homemade BARF for dogs and cats. She and sister, Olivia, are also rescuers and they have many cats up for adoption.
Please do check out http://petepicure.com/
I have lots to learn from Alicia about the holistic management of pets!
Pet Epicure will also be selling our tshirts soon, when our new stock arrives.
We thank Alicia and Pet Epicure for their great support!
P.S. Alicia fostered Abby for five weeks, and transformed her from a neglected old dog into a G.O.D. (Grand Old Dame), and Tina Tan is now looking after The Dame.