An anonymous person has been sending many comments to the following three postings on promoting the no-kill policy.
Again, we want to thank him/her for sending us all the useful information, and I’d like to urge everyone to take some time, read the comments and think about what we can do collectively to promote the no-kill policy.
Here’s our friend’s lasting comment, and it is food for thought:
From Michael Mountain, editor of “Best Friends Magazine” Nov/Dec 2000:
Some people still think it will be impossible ever to bring an end to the killing of homeless animals in this country.
Among them are some of the nation’s largest, oldest, and most well-known – well-funded – animal rights organisations and humane societies.
They may be right. It may indeed be impossible. Then again, lots of perfectly honorable and decent people, 150 years ago, believed it would be impossible ever to bring an end to slavery, however much they disapproved of it.
50 years later, child labor was still considererd by most people to be another of those “necessary evils” in life. They argued that it was more constructive simply to try to improve the conditions in the factories. (It was the Women’s Humane Society of Philadelphia who led the charge to end that kind of negative thinking and abolish child labor altogether).
Today, we all look back at those and other social evils of the past as bizarre anomalies. Yet in our own time, many people, including even the large humane and animal rights groups, still acquiesce to the daily carnage of abandoned four legged family members in “shelters” all across the country.
The bottom line is that as long as people believe that killing homeless pets is one of those “necessary evils” that can never be stopped, then IT WILL NEVER BE STOPPED.
The resources, the talent, and the knowhow to bring an end to this horror within this decade are now with us. All that’s required at this point is the ongoing commitment to get the job done.
Everyone knows it’s wrong to be killing homeless pets.
NEVER say it is impossible. We have to start somewhere. AnimalCare has started already, albeit in a small way. We practise no-kill, and none of our animals has ever been euthanised. We had three kittens who were given up as “already dying”, but we did everything possible to let them end their lives in minimal pain and with dignity. We saved Joanie when she was dying, and now, she runs free.
Never be discouraged when bystanders chide you for doing something you believe is worthwhile. If you believe it is worthy and beneficial, just do it. Never mind what others say.
So, as the article above says, slavery came to an end, child labour came to an end, and if I might add, women were given voting rights, government can change hands, and America has an Afro-American president now.
So, can we work towards an end to euthanasia out of convenience and the merciless killing of homeless animals, please?
For a start, we have been told that afte all the hoo-hah, Pulau Ketam residents are still dumping dogs. And there is no legislation against it. Can we do something about these people?