The senseless sacrifices…

On 23rd and 24th November, we posted an appeal to stop the senseless and brutal sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of animals in Nepal. We are sure that many people around the world sent similar appeals to Nepal to stop the ruthless sacrifice of these animals.

It looks like the appeal fell on deaf ears and thousands of animals lost their lives during the Gadhimai Jatra festival.

If you wish to view the extremely gruesome photos, they are available here: 

(I chose not to view)

While we cry in protest now that thousands of animals were sacrificed in the name of a cultish (cultural?) practice, I appeal to everyone to consider the fact that billions of animals are also slaughtered in a similar manner (the end result is the same) in slaughter-houses all over the world, in the name of food for human consumption.

As gruesome as the photos above might be, you can probably see similar happenings in the slaughter-houses in your own towns.  On the daily basis, too. 

Please make the compassionate choice and reduce meat-consumption so that these “sacrifices” by the butcher’s knife can be reduced. 

Let us not eat just to satisfy our tongues, but also eat with a conscience, from a humane heart and mind.  Before you eat, be very mindful of where the meat comes from.  Imagine the scene at the slaughter-houses and hear the cries of these animals. 

We can make a change. 

Go veggie, as often as you can. 
Think of the animals. 
Hear their cries in your heart. 





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