Flashback: Patches was rescued by Ervina. He was a stray, suffering from glaucoma. With just a simple eyedrop (and lots of love from Ervina, who adopted him), Patches healed!
Here’s some updates:
he is getting bigger everyday! he’s the biggest cat in the house btw.
but he is gentle and not at all naughty. well, maybe at times 🙂
i’ve adopted a new stray. the cat followed me home about 2 weeks ago, i named him Bambi. and at 1st mom disapproved but then decided to keep him because he is so manja and small.
and now Bambi is such a mischief! and really loves eating. Bambi is Penny Lane’s new sparring partner 😀 and guess who is playing daddy towards the new little cat? its Patches! he’ll be the one grooming Bambi most of the time 🙂
so altogether i have 3 cats now, and loving it!
We are so happy to hear this, Ervina. Bless you and your family, and Patches too, for giving so much love to the cats! Please do send us some photos when you can.
Meanwhile, Ervina is also looking for a home for a family of a mum-cat and her kittens. More about this later.