Cesc was adopted yesterday by a family friend of Yi Lin and Andrew.
Cesc is the only brown one in the team.
Cesc, a few weeks ago.
All five of them, a few weeks ago.
Mum, Chelsea.
We brought Chelsea and her five newborn puppies back from LLLP, Bentong during one of our visits. Chelsea was suffering from tick fever and jaundice at the time and the five puppies had a milk rash. Yi Lin and Andrew fostered the whole family, and everyone was nursed back to the pink of health within a week or so.
Chelsea is an incredibly loving mother-dog, and when the five puppies were brought to the Cutie Pet Adoption Fair two weeks ago, Chelsea hugged each puppy before they were taken away to the fair. According to Yi Lin, she howled and whined for them all afternoon. None of the pups were adopted at the fair, and the family was united again.
This is the only girl, Nino (a old photo). Nino will be adopted next week by a relative of Yi Lin and Andrew.
There are still three more puppies – Lamps, John Terry and Stevie G, and of course, the mum, Chelsea.
If you would like to give them a home, please contact me.
Our last ditch option is to send them back to Bentong, to LLLP, but we hope we don’t have to resort to that. Chelsea and these puppies have been fed on Hill’s Science ever since living with Yi Lin and Andrew. They would have to adjust to the vegetarian diet if sent back to LLLP.