Nine females spayed, urgent help needed

All of us started our day very early this morning.  By 7.20am, PingSu, Ainey, Pravinn and I were already waiting at the clinic for our vet, Dr Khor. 

Here’s the grooming table Dr Khor had borrowed for today’s spaying.
That’s the paraphernalia needed for today – so many things! 
Dr Khor and his three very capable assistants had had them packed yesterday. 
All ready to go. 
I marvelled at their efficiency and speed.
I couldn’t get any vege kibbles under such notice, so I bought up the three packs of Addiction from Dr Khor.
All loaded, off we went…
We arrived at Bentong, and we greeted by good news.  Four of the dogs have already been adopted by Bentong folks (Bro Sui’s friend).  That was such wonderful news – music to my ears.  Two males and two females (all white ones) – we can’t be too particular here, as long as anyone wants them, and I trust Bro Sui’s judgment, they get to go to their new home. 
You see why I need to get the females spayed as quickly as possible? 
That’s our mission for today.
Hello?  Who are you?  Why, it’s the white shaggy dog, remember?  The one we brought from the Klang Pound and the helpers wanted to keep as their pet?  They have shaved off his long fur, and bathed him.  So, he is now a scruffy dog instead of a shaggy one.  The helpers love him to bits, according to Bro Sui, and his name is now Jimmy.  And he actually responds to his name!  Jimmy follows Mr Mariappan everywhere, and is now 2nd lieutenant to Liberty (Mr Mariappan’s 1st lieutenant).  We can see the helpers all adore Jimmy.  They have never had a “branded” dog before….
Dr Khor and his team wasted no time in setting up his operating table.  Jimmy supervises.  “First dog, stand-by!”, Alex calls.  
Okay….so off we went to get the first dog from the girls’ room.  No time to take photos of everything.  There were only four of us, and all of us had to do this together.  At the girls’ room, many wanted to come out, so it was a game of squeezing again…. 
This Dalmatian Mix was the one who was closest to the door, so she’d be the first to be spayed.  I decided to carry her instead of using the leash to drag her. 
Muzzled, and ready for anaethesia.
Jimmy, the 2nd lieutenant monitoring close by.
Dr Khor at work.
Dr Khor and his three super-efficient and well-trained assistants.
“Next, stand-by!”, Alex calls out.
No.2 to go.
The three assistants at work – they weigh, shave and prepare the dog.
PingSu, Ainey and me – massaging the first dog, to help circulation and recovery.  Jimmy was very concerned and tried to help.  He really did.  Pravinn had to distract him in case he stepped on the wound.   
Meanwhile, Mr Mariappan was cooking the broth for the day, with Jimmy’s help, of course.
Jimmy understood he is not supposed to come near the recovery area, so he watches from afar.  Note the look of concern on his face.  Don’t you just LOVE dogs?
Dog No.2 recovered very quickly from the anaesthesia, but the Dalmatian Mix was still down and out.  I got really worried by now, and Dr Khor quickly administered an injection to speed up the recovery.  Some dogs recover faster than others, I know, but you’d still worry.  We massaged her more vigorously and I sent loving thoughts to her, “Wake up, please, wake up!”.  By now, I’ve already named her Perdita (after the Mom-Dalmatian in 101 Dalmatians).
Perdita finally came to….phew!  We all cheered!
Each dog that had come to, we put inside a cage for recovery.  Pravinn helped Mr Mariappan set up the cages.  Luckily we had a man amongst us for today.
Dante2 was next.  She was so eager to get out of the enclosure.
Selphie was No.4.  She’s the one whom I promised I’d take out of the pound because she definitely gave me “the look” when I visited the pound on the 1st day. 
No.5 was this huge dog.  She also took a longer period to recover, and had to be given the recovery jab.
Massaging Selphie’s legs.
Come on, Selphie, wake up! 
Doing the huge dog.
Selphie – she woke up on time.
This must be No.6 – I’ve lost count by then.
This small black dog turned would have been No.7 but he turned out to be a male.  Oops, our mistake – we had mistakenly put him together with the girls that day.  I hope he didn’t get bullied.
But he had two deep wounds on his legs, and he did not look too well, so Dr Khor decided not to neuter him.  As a natural medicine, Dr Khor said honey works very well on wounds.  Bro Sui said he had his own medicine which works wonders on his cows.  We’ve decided to let tomorrow’s vets decide on what’s best for this little boy, so we’ve isolated him in a small cage.
This was next, but Dr Khor noticed some nasal discharge and we heard her coughing.  Dr Khor did the distemper test and it was positive.  Our hearts fell.  No spaying.
She was isolated immediately from the rest. I’m so sorry, dear one.  You can’t join the rest. 
This would have been next, but we noticed a big wound on her eye and decided to spare her from being spayed.  Dr Khor examined her later, and told us one eye was already blind, and gave us an ointment for both eyes.  We also had her tested for distemper.  It was negative – phew!  You have no idea how relieved I was to hear the word “negative”.
Dr Khor showed Mr Mariappan how to apply the eye ointment on this one with the eye wound.
These two girls had fever, so they were not spayed.  Both tested negative for distemper.  Phew!  Probably just a flu.  Both were given an antibiotic jab. 
All in, we had NINE females spayed today.  The one you see in the centre has a bit of flu, but luckily tested negative for distemper.  By the end of the last spaying, almost all had woken up and looked well.  Here’s Dr Khor doing a quick check on everyone. 
A peek into the boys’ room.
A quick check by Dr Khor – all the boys were so friendly.  They know a good soul when they meet one.  Dr Khor detected one who was rather depressed (but we had no more cage to isolate him).  And one with a bit of nasal discharge.
I’m sorry, boys, the vets will check you guys out tomorrow, ok?  We’re all extremely tired today.  What drained us most of all was the massaging of the dogs during recovery – the worry that they would not get up or complications might set in.  That was so mentally draining. 
Remember the black (male) dog who ran away when we transferred them from Klang to Bentong several days ago?  Well, he came to see what was going on.  Bro Sui says he has been coming back every day to eat.  I’m so glad to hear this. 
Bro Sui also said he would like some of the friendly males to be his farm dogs and will let them out.  He says most of them are very obedient (they are all former pets, that’s why – not a single one behaved feral). 
Due to less-than-perfect conditions and circumstances, I’m not so concerned about getting every male neutered.  We’re working under so many constraints here – time, finances, convenience, etc.
This is the one tested positive for distemper. We had to bring her as far away as possible, to another shed near the cowshed. 
I felt so sorry for her, and must have made no less than 10 calls, enquiring for fosterers and help.  Three vets could not take her in because they had no isolation ward.  No fosterer could take her either.  Wani of MDDB said she has a package of medicine, but I could not possibly ask Mr Mariappan to feed her the medicine regularly.
We had some Vetri DMG, an immune-booster, so we fed this to each one of the dogs who weren’t looking too good (the ones we had isolated, based on Dr Khor’s diagnosis). 
The one with distemper in her own private shed near the cows.  All of us went to see her.  Here I am, feeding her two tablets of Vetri DMG.  Wani said to pump her with vitamins and immune boosters.  We all sat with her for some time.  We were exhausted, not so much physically, but mentally and emotionally – we felt so helpless – no one could take her in for fostering, so we could not even bring her back.  Distemper is airborne, so it would have to be a house with no other dog. 
We sat with her, and I think, each one of us were quietly sending her loving thoughts and healing energy.  Please get well, little one.  Somehow…please get well. 
We are now appealing to everyone – please help us find a fosterer by tomorrow morning.  Text me at 012-6935870, and we will bring her back.  Wani has the medicine.  We only need a fosterer.  Please help her.
Since we could not bring her back, we decided we would bring the one with the eye wound back for proper treatment.  Also, she seemed to be in great pain and wasn’t eating. 
By now, Dr Khor said she could board at his clinic for treatment.  She does not have distemper.
Pravinn carrying the cage with Jackie (that’s her new name).
Jackie, you’re coming with us…back to Subang Jaya for treatment.
We drove back, dead tired, all of us feeling a bit sad because of that one distemper case whom we had to leave behind.  We hope tomorrow, when the SPCA team goes up with us, they would be able to offer a solution for this one and the rest of the sick dogs. 
Dr Khor called me later to tell me that Jackie seems better now and is eating.  Phew…that’s good news!  We hope that under Dr Khor’s care, Jackie will recover soon.
I don’t know how many of the males are sick – but we’ll find out tomorrow.
My heart is a little heavy, but as I’ve said, we can only do what we can, within our means.  I have done my very best for today.  This is all I can do. 
At times like this, I am reminded by a little poem I learnt way back when I was twelve:
Do your best,
And leave the rest,
It’ll all come right,
Some day or night.
Tomorrow we are going up with the SPCA team. 
Tomorrow will be another day. 
Please wish us luck. 
Thank you, everyone, for helping out today.  We managed to get nine females spayed, and we brought Jackie back for treatment. 
P.S.  I am still calling friends to help look for a fosterer for the one with distemper.  Please help me spread the word.  Contact me at 012-6935870 (by sms) if you find anyone.  Thank you.






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