Cesc was the first football pup to be adopted.
Here are some photos of him now, in his new home.
Yes, dreams do come true, sometimes, just as in fairy tales…
Cesc is one lucky dog! Oh, he is now called Snoopy by his new owner, and Whitey by the nephew.
Enjoying a massage, and playing with his favourite ball.
I’ll never let go of my favourite ball!
I’m master of all I survey….this is my home.
This is the life…
Snoopy having a time of his life.
Snoopy’s house
Me and my ball.
Have fun and be happy, Snoopy!
P.S. Nino (the second to be rehomed, the only girl) is now living with an elderly couple in Taiping. They love her to bits. No photos yet. Just news.
P.P.S We rehomed Stevie and Lamps to Batang Berjuntai two days ago, and JT to Putra Heights today. Now, only Chelsea (the mum) is left.