Event at HUKM – See Green, See Life

The day started at 6.30am for Pravinn, Bala and me as the boys met me in Subang Jaya and we went in separate cars to HUKM.  I have never been to Cheras all my life, so it was like going to “another part of the world” for me. 

We took a wrong turning and instead of taking the Kesas, we ended up taking the Federal Highway which nevertheless led us to HUKM without any hitches, all in good time.

Pravinn and Bala setting up the display.  Note our new bunting in our corporate colours (the three shades of orange-brown).
We did not sell many tshirts but we sure did a whole lot of talking and sharing our mission with the medical students.  Many were really interested in what we do. 
PingSu dropped in for a while and helped us out. 
Many students visited our booth as we were the only animal charity there.  Tzu-Chi was there as well (they covered human charity).  And there was another group promoting veganism – they offered us samples of their vegan food and my, my, my, I have never tasted such good vegan food all my life!  
PingSu and I both asked if they did house delivery and they said no. 
Talking about food, I was a panelist at the Meaty Forum, where the subject was…well, food.
Joining me was an officer from Jakim, talking about Halal food, and an associate professor of nutrition.  They wanted me to talk about vegetarianism from a religious and compassionate perspective.  
It was a very interesting forum.  
We closed the booth early because all of us had to get back home.  
We enjoyed the day, sharing our mission with the young and beautiful. 





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