Our next stop was back in Subang Jaya, to discharge Perky, Sweetie and Russell. Ainey says she will foster Perky since Perks is very small-sized. So, Sweetie and Russell would have to go back to PAWS for the time being.
The two “sisters”, Perky and Sweetie.
Perky is the more active of the two, and has been making a lot of noise whenever she sees me. Ainey was a little worried Perky would be too noisy for her apartment. If so, Perky would have to go to PAWS too.
Since I was using the MyVi, we could only ferry two dogs at a time, so we took Russell at the back of the car, using a cage, and Ainey carried Sweetie in front.
Sweetie must have been rather scared, so she poo-ed in the car! Luckily it was well-formed poo. Ainey and I had a good laugh! Well, what can you do but laugh it over, right?
We reached PAWS just being closing, and managed to get Russell and Sweetie into their respective cages in front. Both have been vaccinated and spayed (Russell was neutered yesterday at our vet’s), and will be put up for adoption.
Then, off we went back to the clinic to get Perky, either to PAWS or back home with Ainey.
Surprisingly, this time, Perky was very well-behaved. Absolutely no noise. So Ainey said she would try fostering Perky for a few days and see how things go.
That’s Mr Tan, the vet’s assistant, holding Perky.
Ainey putting a harness on Perky.
This is how small Perky is. The vet says she won’t be growing any bigger as she is estimated to be about 1 year old.
We drove Perky to Ainey’s car, parked near my house, and while Ainey was preparing the car, I took Perky for a walk, to sniff at green grass and smell the fresh air.
Perky was rescued from Klang Dog Pound on 15th Dec, went by lorry to LLLP, Bentong, boarded in the enclosure with many other dogs, spayed on 20th Dec (she was the one who bled after the vet left, so I had to stop her bleeding by using pressure on her wound). On 21st Dec, the SPCA vet who went with us said Perky wasn’t looking good, so Perky (along with Roger, Russell, Sean, Wendy and Sweetie) were transported by van back to KL. Perky was sent to PAWS for boarding, and the manager called to caution me she was in such a bad state that he thought she might die any time, even before I came back from Bentong. Perky WAS is a terrible state that evening. I was very, very worried. The next day, she perked up a little. And we fed her chicken soup and chicken meat every day after that.
And Perky is the perkiest of them all now!
I put Perky in Ainey’s car and off she went, back to Ainey’s home.
Ainey just text to say Perky did not pee or poo or vomit in the car. She was a total angel. She’s now exploring Ainey’s apartment, and getting to know Ainey’s two other dogs.
Perky is up for adoption. She is a very small-built dog and would make a wonderful pet.
Sweetie and Russell are also up for adoption. Both are boarding at PAWS now. Sweetie is of a very calm temperament. Russell is a perfect gentleman.