Thank you

We’d like to thank the following donors for their CNY angpows which will enable us to continue our work to help the animals.  May you all be blessed.

Chew Hooi Bin
Rachel and Matthew


We have also received two donations for the scalded dog who is currently being treated by MDDB and these donations have been banked into MDDB’s PBB account.  The donors are:
Mong Looi
Sumitra Siew
Please note that you may bank in your donations for the scalded dog directly into MDDB’s PBB account:
<info removed>
We highlighted the plight of the scalded dog, and MDDB’s appeal for funds for this dog a few days ago:
Please help this dog.  Although the wounds look very bad, the prognosis for recovery is actually good, according to MDDB.  What is needed are the funds for the treatment and boarding. 





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