We all know from our science lessons in school that we should complete our course of antibiotics. But some of us, after getting well, might choose to stop the course, not knowing how dangerous that could be.
Well, here’s what the vet told me, in plain English (minus all the scientific jargon) of what happens if we do not finish our course of antibiotics (and this refers to our pets, but I’m sure it applies to us humans as well).
The vet was referring to the need for Xiao Li and Bandit to undergo the entire course of antibiotics (Dovy) even though they recovered after one day.
If we do not let our pets complete the whole course of the antibiotics, they will develop resistance to it, and the next time they get sick, the antibiotics will not work anymore, and this is what causes some pets to die (because their bodies do not respond to antibiotics anymore). So, it is VERY important that your pet finishes the antibiotics.
There you have it – in very plain English.
So, if your pet is sick and is on a course of antibiotics, please make sure you feed him/her the entire course even though he/she is well. There are limited antibiotics on the market for pets, and if your pet has already developed resistance towards one, there may not be a suitable one to treat him/her the next time, and it could result in death.