Ellie is a cat rescuer who has come to us with her neighbourhood cats before. Today, she brought another two more female cats to be spayed under our sponsorship.
Just about ready for the operation.
The other cat was still inside the consultation room and since it was a very busy day at the clinic today and there was another patient inside, I did not want to be a hindrance. Hence, I was not able to take her photo.
Ellie will collect the cats this evening, and she will look after them until they have fully recovered before returning them to her neighbourhood.
Ellie practises CNRM and we are happy to be of some assistance to her. In fact, Ellie has also rescued a little puppy from the street and is currently looking for a home for him. She knows that it wouldn’t be safe for a puppy to grow up on the street even though it has been spayed or neutered.
CNRM = Care-Neuter-Rehome/Return-Manage
We urge animal-lovers to practise CNRM on the stray animals who live on their street. For every stray animal who has been spayed-neutered, hundreds and thousands of unwanted births would be prevented. It would be ideal if we could return the stray dogs to the colony as well, but dogs are always more susceptible to be captured by the authorities as more people tend to complain about them. So, for dogs, they would have to be rehomed.
Let’s do whatever we can to help the stray animals.