CP and her family did not have any prior experience in handling cats until….Mimi came into their lives. Mimi had given birth to a litter of 3 kittens in CP’s house compound and thus started CP and her family’s wonderful learning experience in looking after and caring for stray cats.
Two weeks ago, CP brought the male cat, Didi, to be neutered at our panel vet under our sponsorship.
CP’s learning experience also included an S.O.S by another rescuer who needed help with two newborn kittens who had lost their mother. Mimi “went to the rescue” and became a surrogate mother, albeit reluctantly. Unfortunately, the kittens did not make it.
Never mind…at least we tried.
Mimi and Manja spayed
Mimi the surrogate mum.
Mimi and Manja.
Manja is also a neighbourhood cat fed by a Korean lady.
Mimi and Manja, on the way to the vet this afternoon.
The operations went well, and CP and her family collected both the cats and stopped by my house to get another cage. Unfortunately, while at the clinic, Mimi accidentally kicked Manja, so the bandage came off, but the vet checked and everything is still okay.
Mimi in the carrier, after the op, when CP stopped by.
Poor Manja vomited in the car. Still a bit groggy, or maybe car-sick, but she was already sitting on her chest before CP left my house. That is always a good sign.
According to the Korean lady, Manja gave birth to a litter of 3 kittens last year in March and Didi was the only survivor.
CP said this morning when she managed to get Mimi and Manja into the cage, Didi was very worried and stayed by the cage all day. Even when CP loaded the cage into the car, Didi wanted to follow…
I know why these cats have become so loving now.
It’s because CP and her family treats them with so much loving-kindness. This morning, CP sat down and talked to both Mimi and Manja to explain why she had to lock them in the cage.
Yes, we’re always told we should not humanise animals, but a little bit of loving-kindness does not hurt.
In fact, it does go a long way!
Get well soon, kitties….
I’ve told CP we will sponsor the cost of spay-neuter for other neighbourhood stray cats on her road. Today’s two operations is sponsored fully from our funds.
Viva la CNRM!
Two free-roaming female cats will not breed anymore now. Hundreds of unwanted kittens have been spared from being born to suffer.