Little pug, Darlyn, Remembering Fufu

Lai Yong and her children adopted Fufu, a female stray cat, from the streets and were very happy until one fateful night when a fast car took Fufu away.  Her family was devastated, but shortly after that, someone needed to rehome a 6-year old pug, Darlyn.  Lai Yong decided to adopt Darlyn.

Lai Yong writes:

Dear Sis, 

I just can’t thank you enough for all your kindness and help.
I have forwarded your mail to the children hoping they can find comfort from it.
A little update on the pug. Her name is Darlyn, aged 6 years old( is that equal to human 42 years old?). We are advised not to cage her as she has not been caged when with her previous owner. Hong Ye came up with the idea of assembling a play pen under our staircase which is quite spacious. Shall  be meeting Amy tonight to collect the item.
I shall keep you updated on the progress. Please help send metta to Darlyn so that she can settle down quickly with us.

Lai Yong

Dear Sis,

You made it possible for us to adopt animals in need of a home & family. Thank you.
Last night, around the time I discovered Fufu last Monday, we laid some flowers at the site we buried her. It was the first time Jill & I visited her resting place. We could not control but cried. Stayed for a while and went home.
Amy was so kind to bring us the play pen last night. Darlyn is calmer compared the first night. She is sleeping under the staircase in a corner of her own. She has her cushions, food & water, chew bone and pee cloth. We did not leash her but she still tries to come out of the confinement. She is curious of new things thinking its food. We need to put her on diet but I shall either bring her to Dr Khor or Dr Vijay to get their advice.
Darlyn wept on her first night with us. This made us love her even more. I checked with her previous owner of her back-up plan just in case Darlyn cannot adapt. So sad to know that there is none. She is renting a place and Darlyn is not welcomed. Considering the circumstances, I told Hong Ye that we have to try.

Lai Yong





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