Yesterday was an extremely humid day.
I was delayed at the vet’s, so Mary was already there with all the tshirts by the time I arrived. Thank goodness we had loaded all the tshirts in her car the night before. CP and husband, Lim and son, Jen Kynn were on hand to help us set up.
The carnival started at 5pm and the crowd trickled in. This lady in the photo owns a petfod shop in Kota Damansara and she explained to me that they do not sell pets, just petfood and pet accessories. In fact, they encourage adoption of street animals. Now, that’s so nice to hear. She was also interested in our CNRM programme.
The crowd was not particularly interested in animal affairs, so “business” was kind of slow throughout the 5 hours. We actually did more explaining than selling tshirts. But it’s good to be able to promote our One-Street CNRM project to more people.
These two ladies are from the Lioness Club and they were interested in our One Street project. They said they’d discuss with their committee if they could contribute in any way.
Cindy Chiew (rescuer of Bobby, who was recently neutered at our panel vet), also dropped by to meet me.
Although business was slow, we all had loads of fun…..Mary, Jessie, Amy, Julie, Terry and me. It gave us a chance to catch up with each other’s news too.
Many thanks to everyone who had helped and endured the humidity for five full hours!
It was fun while it lasted, but I’m still not done stock-checking yet!!