Never say “Oh, that’s in the US so it can be done, but over here, no way!” – never say that, because if we do, it will really not be done here. It’s just a convenient excuse for us NOT to do anything.
We have to do it, and to keep pushing for it, and one day, it will be done.
When I first started AnimalCare, I was also told it will never succeed and I will not be able to get the support. When I first wanted to raise funds through the tshirts, I was also told nobody would buy our tshirts….
See my point?
If you have a passion to do something good, just do it….the Universe will provide an answer.
Now, here’s the story…
Please let’s read it and be inspired!
It’s not enough to sit back and just hope that someday we will have something similar over here. We have to work hard for it, put in the efforts, and push for it.
Support us in bigtime spay-neuter, please. The animals need our help.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead 1901 – 1978