Danny Ong, a student, wrote to me a while ago about this wild rabbit that he and his friends had rescued and were looking after in Semenyih. But since the semester had started again, they could no longer look after it and hence, they asked for advice:
I am a student studying in Semenyih and live with a couple of my friends in Taman Tasik Semenyih (TTS).
It so happen that one day (in July) we found a rabbit running wild outside our house and we managed to catch it and care for it until this very day. However, the problem now is that we can no longer continue caring for this rabbit as our new academic year is about to start at the end of this September and my new housemate is against keeping animals in the house.
Foreseeing that we will most likely have no time to constantly care for the rabbit during our busy study time, we hope to find an owner for this rabbit. It would be a great help to us if some advice is provided regarding this matter.
I had arranged for the rabbit to go to the shelter as the adoption rate of rabbits there is very good. But Danny said he had no transport.
Just then, the Pet Boarding Cruelty case came up and I was so busy, I didn’t have time to blog about the rabbit.
Anyhow, now, the rabbit’s already been adopted!
Wild rabbit adopted!
Have a good life, little rabbit!
I think there is a rabbit farm in Semenyih and I was told they breed rabbits for the cooking pot (poor things). This rabbit could have escaped from that farm. Lucky rabbit!