From Julie Pek:
adoption 2th sept 2011
It is with great pleasure to inform you that both Jaguar and Duangden were adopted
yesterday sunday. At 8pm Ms Shima and the sister brought both kitties to Malacca.
I send Jaguar and Duangden to meet the adopters at Damansara.
It had been a long wait for both kitties to be adopted as
a. first adopter did not qualify as she had already 6 other cats.
b. 2nd adopter had some hamsters and did not think Duangden need to be caged. Whereas I believe that
a cage for the initial start is important and also hamsters could cause stress.
the third adopter was just excellent. She only had one cat and she loves jaguar when she saw the picture
at animalcare website.
Fortunately, she also take Duangden when i told her duangden and jaguar were best of freinds.
Here are the lovely pictures.
Jaguar and Duangden adopted!
Have good life, Jaguar and Duangden!