Last week, we read about a cat who survived the gas chamber in a Utah shelter, now, Connie James shares this story about a Beagle who survives the gas chamber in Florence, Alabama. Apparently, there have been more of such cases.
Read this:
Isn’t it so sad that shelter animals have to be euthanised in such ways, ie. gassed, and we now read about cases that survive the gassing and are discovered. What about those that are not discovered and later, die of suffocation in plastic bags because they were thought to have died?
It remains a very sad reality that being born a street animal in our human-dominated world is a very sad thing.
We can only plead to those who are in power to please STOP KILLING.
Spay-neuter and return to colony, please. Do not kill.
Please do not kill anymore.
Killing does not solve problems. It may appear to temporarily solve problems, but what goes around comes around and we, as a human race, will pay the price one day, if not sooner. But that’s not the reason….
The reason is this: Killing is not right.
Otherwise, why do all religions teach non-killing as one of their most important and foremost values? Are religious values meant to be for reading and preaching, and not to be put into practice?
If people do not want to spay-neuter and return the animals to the streets, then can another option be to spay-neuter and put the animals in the jungle? I don’t know.
A friend told me recently that in Australia, they have done this to shelter cats, but without spay-neuter. What has happened is that the cats multiply like crazy in the jungle (yes, don’t we all know this would happen), and has colonised the jungle now. The authorities are now resorting to shooting the cats because they claim the cats have destroyed the ecology. Why on earth didn’t they spay-neuter the cats in the first place before putting them in the jungle, one wonders….
When we remove killing as an option, we would have to look for other ways.
Spay-neuter remains the most compassionate (not the most ideal, but certainly the most compassionate that we know of) method to control the population of street animals. It is NOT killing, it is birth control.
Whether we spay-neuter and return to the streets, or we spay-neuter and put them in the jungle, it is still definitely better than killing.