From Julie:
Dear Dr Chan
Kindly post for me at your blog. Tq
Posted by:Julie Pek :21st Dec: Putih white male pup for adoption.I was told a pup had a narrow escape accident slightly hit by car..
The people that saw was concerned and asked me to check out . As I was about there,
I went to check at the house and found the pup very frightened in a corner of the house.
The owner came out and said that pup will die.I explained that pup must be leashed and not left running out. I bought a leash and collar
and taught them to care for the little pup. Owner asked me take as he had no time to care.. I said
I cant as I am a rescuer and feeder and got too many to handle. So that was settled.The next two days I went to visit the owner and the pup. I was told that the pup again
had ran out and nearly met another accident. The leash and collar that I bought was no
longer there. Again the owner asked me to take the pup. This time, I did not hesitate, for
fear that the pup will meet accident. I took the pup and bathed and sent to the vet to
deworm. Pup was happy and had his meal and cosy cage and inside the garden.Putih is non excessive barking, he runs and hops around when happy and listens to sit command.
Obedient and very good pup.Pup is named Putih as all white. Interested pse sms to Ms Julie Pek 019 388 5119
and state. Putih. Will call back.