Fitri, the sporo-cat (Myza Nordin’s)

This is from Myza Nordin:

Good afternoon everyone.
Fitri is a stray cat with sporo case which I rescued in early Sept 2011. Fitri is currently being treated in a clinic which has a good track record of successful recovery of sporo cases. They have agreed to charge at RM 25 per day.  At the moment, Fitri is still undergoing treatment at here. I am going to check on him this weekend, to see his improvement. For now, I am unable to let you know when he will be discharged yet.
With that, I would like to humbly request for  your kind consideration to sponsor Fitri’s medical bill. Kindly let me know, how to go about as this is the first time I am requesting from more than one organisation.
For you info : MDDB has agreed to ’settle’ the bill  which the clinic has requested to be done on a monthly basis. Meanwhile, I will try to seek for other sponsorship too. MDDb will also chip in but has yet to revert on the  %. However, I would like pledge from other organisation as well so that, not to burden too much on MDDB.
Thank you and have a good day .I am attaching recent pictures of Fitri for your perusal.
Wishing all of you Merry Christmas and May You have a Prosperous 2012.
God bless you for your good work and emphathy towards the streets animal.
Myza Nordin

And new updates:

Visited Fitri last weekend, he is showing positive progress. The vet mentioned that he is eating a lot, and, will soon be discharged as a ‘fat cat’.
To ensure, he is really clear from sporo, he needs to be treated for at least 2-3 months,and can be discharged end Feb or end March.
I will be collecting the bill this weekend. And, will pass to the respective organisation accordingly for claims. Pictures of progress will be send accordingly too.
Just to highlight bill will be prior settled by MDDB, and as agreed by Wani, claims will be tt to my account. I will then, co-ordinate the consolidated amount to be returned to MDDB.
Thank you
Myza Nordin
Since Myza is applying to three organisations for funds, we have jointly decided to sponsor 20% each, amounting to a total of 60% of the cost of Fitri’s treatment.
Myza will be submitting the bills to us, and we will proceed with the disbursement of funds from our side.






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