Updates on 31st May 2012 – We have received news from a reader that this project may not be in operation anymore.
Zeezam, a cat rescuer-caregiver, is organising an online charity sales to raise funds for SCRATCH, HOPE and AnimalCare!
Here are the details:
hello Dr Chan,
im zeezam and i got new project called Furkids Projekt. you can view us at http://www.facebook.com/furkidsprojekt. we doing some charity sales thru facebook and would love to add AnimalCare as one of the groups to receive donation from us. the 2 others is H.O.P.E and SCRATCH.
here’s Furkids Projekt link :http://www.facebook.com/furkidsprojektand here’s the album link :http://www.facebook.com/furkidsprojekt?sk=photoszeezam
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Information and postings with respect to appeals for assistance, donations and animals for adoption are posted as received. Dr Chan and AnimalCare do not have the resources to authenticate or verify the same. Readers respond at their own risk, so please exercise due caution and care.