We made the appeal yesterday to help this mother-dog, her 3 puppies and another heavily pregnant mother-dog. They were rescued by Then Lai Fatt (Ah Fatt) after the local council had (thankfully) failed to catch them twice. Ah Fatt needed a safe place to board the whole family at least until the puppies are weaned off breastmilk and the other mum-dog delivers safely. Ah Fatt rescued the whole family late evening yesterday and all are safe now at the vet’s.
Ever since the first blogpost, we have received the following donations:
1. Caramel Puppy RM100
2. Andy Lew RM300
3. Martin Lui RM150
4. Jasmine Ong RM200
5. Chee Pooi Ling RM300
Total received (as of 1st June 2013) = RM1050
I have not heard from Ah Fatt yet, but I have contacted the vet who offered pet boarding for this family to get an estimate on the cost. According to the vet, the mother-dog and 3 puppies would need about 1 month so that the puppies can be weaned off breastmilk and the mother-dog spayed. At RM15 per day for this family, the cost of 1 month’s boarding will be RM450.
The vet thinks that the pregnant mother-dog will give birth in about a week’s time and the vet has allowed this new family to board for a maximum of 3 months at the same rate of RM15 per day for the whole family (but this is also dependent on the number of puppies the mother-dog delivers). For 3 months, the total cost of boarding will be RM1350.
This brings us to a grand total of RM1800 for all (only for the boarding).
We are unable to use our Medical Fund to subsidise this boarding because our policies do not allow boarding charges to be covered unless it is hospitalisation. So, if you would like to help Ah Fatt out with the cost, he would truly appreciate it. Please write to me at chankahyein@gmail.com to enquire how much more is needed. Since we already have RM1050 to start off, let us wait for more updates first.
We have advised Ah Fatt to provide photos and updates on a weekly basis so that all donors are informed about the wellbeing of this family.
Ah Fatt is welcome to claim from our Medical Fund for the spaying costs of the two mother-dogs (when they are ready to be spayed) and also the vaccination and other medical needs of the whole family.
Thank you very much for helping.
Photo taken yesterday, at the clinic after the rescue.