Medical subsidy for Miao Miao, injured cat (Deng Cheng Poh & Wendy Ong’s)


We have subsidised RM500 (our maximum) for this case. This subsidy comes from all donors through our Medical Fund (RM250) and Berjaya Cares (RM250).

This application is by Deng Cheng Poh.  His friend, Wendy Ong, has also applied for a subsidy for the same case under We are aware of this and have collaborated with on the subsidy amount. We have also called Wendy Ong to verify that she is claiming from (RM500) and no other organisation.

We wish to request that should any rescuer and his/her friend(s) apply for any subsidy for any one case from anyone or any organisation in future, it is much better to apply under one name for easy crosschecking and reference.

From: Deng Cheng Poh
Date: Sat, May 18, 2013 at 11:24 PM
Subject: Seriously injured stray cat

I messaged you through facebook on the 10th of May about a seriously wounded cat with the fb profile of Ah Chen. sorry i took so long to email you. like i previously stated in my fb message, the cat was seriously injured and was diagnosed with a broken femur and diaphragmatic hernia. it was also suspected that the bladder was hurt as the urine was red. attached to this email are the images of the cat and xray. the vet responsible for the treatment is lee vet at kuchai lama. the vet quoted that the full treatment would amount to Rm3000 at the least but as my girlfriend and i are students and cannot afford it, the vet has slashed the price in half, charging only at cost price. the cat has just undergone diaphragmatic hernia repair surgery last friday as the condition is life threatening and is now waiting to heal before undergoing surgery of the fractured femur. we have yet to take a picture as we have not visited the vet. we have already appealed to petfinder for subsidy and they have raised Rm500. i hope that myanimalcare can further subsidize the cat’s treatment as we are just students. please update me on what to do next. help of any kind is highly appreciated. thank you.
We called up the vet on 19th May 2013 to verify the case and the vet confirmed that the hernia repair had been done. They would be doing the surgery to repair the fractured femur in the next few days once the cat is fit. The vet also confirmed that the cost of the surgery is RM1500 and the owner is Wendy Ong.

From: Deng Cheng Poh
Date: Thu, May 30, 2013 at 10:22 PM
Subject: Seriously injured cat
To: Chan Kah Yein <>

Dear kahyein,

sorry. i have been quite busy. the cat has done the fracture femur surgery and is now discharged. he is currently recovering at my place. i have also got the breakdown of the receipt. i will attach all the pictures i’ve got since last week and the ones today and also a picture of the receipt. i will mail the receipt and form to you tomorrow. thank you very much.

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