If you are able to give Baron a home, please contact Eileen Ng directly.
From: Eileen Ng <ngeileen.a@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 3:49 PM
Subject: Help Save GSD Baron
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>hi Dr ChanCan you please help spread the word? I m helping a friend’s sister, and hope Baron gets a chance to live on.SOS: HELP SAVE BARON.
Baron’s owner is migrating to Australia next month and need to urgently find him a home. She doesn’t know who else to turn to and is considering putting him to sleep if no other option is available. Baron is a German Shepherd, around 10 years old. He is generally healthy, except for minor ear infection which is being treated. He lived with two other dogs before, so is generally not aggressive although must take time to introduce to other dogs. Please SAVE his life. Call Eileen 019-3203875tksEileen