Dogs for adoption (Kim Mi Kyung’s)

If interested, please contact Ms Kim directly.

From: Mia McKie <>
Date: Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 9:01 PM
Subject: RE: Dog Adoption
To: Chan Kah Yein <>

Dear Dr Chan,Here are my details:
Name: Kim Mi Kyung
Contact Details: 0166505934I have already provided you with the images, the larger white and brown spaniel mix looking dog is called Millie, and the smaller white/grey schnauzer looking one is called Fiona.

Millie- She is a very sweet dog who loves a lot of attention and is great with children. We previously adopted her from the SPCA. Her previous owner removed her voice therefore she is unable to bark.

Fiona- Fiona is a mixed spaniel breed who we adopted from the SPCA. The vets there had suspected that she was previously abused therefore she can me a bit timid but has no aggression issues. She is a very sweet calm dog who loved a lot of attention.

Thank you again!

Mia Mckie

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