If interested, please contact Carol directly.
From: Carol Ng <naeem.ng@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 3:48 PM
Subject: Puppy for adoption
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>Dear Dr. Chan,Appreciate if you could help post on your website regarding this puppy we have available for adoption, which I temporarily named Poopy le Pooch. Photos and write are as below. Thank you! 🙂Regards,Ng Siew Theng (Carol)———————————————————— —————————— ——- Poopy le Pooch was found by my mother being kept under very poor conditions in an enclosed cement barrel with unsuitable food and no water (only cow’s milk which is bad for puppies). Poopy has a bad case of mange and was initially pooping a lot of watery discharge (hence the name!). He was also initially very frightened. He’s being treated with mange medication and now is getting healthy and happy. He’s so active and a joy to be with, that I hope to find someone with a big enough heart to look past his current looks which he is recovering from, and give him the love he deserves.If interested to adopt and give this happy pup a good home and a much better name, please contact Carol at 0169950708. Thank you!