Abandoned puppy for URGENT adoption (Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn’s)

If you are able to help, please contact Dr Veeranoot directly at her email below:

From: Veeranoot Nissapatorn <nissapat@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Abandoned puppy-URGENT
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Sis Chan,

The puppy, less than 2-months old, was found abandoned at the Thai Buddhist temple ground, Jalan Gasing, PJ. For the past few days, this puppy has been looking after by Thai chief cook while waiting for a fosterer or adopter to take her home. He shows concern of the puppy’s safety because there are big dogs in the temple and this puppy was nearly got bitten on one occasion.
If anyone interested, please contact me by email. This little cute, very friendly and adorable puppy needs a good home urgently.
Thank you.
Sukhi Hotu!
mini-veeranoot puppy





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