Here are some updates on the rescue we did on 21st June 2014 where we picked up two adult female cats and 4 kittens (three ginger and one white).
Ginger mum, Teddy Altman, spayed and adopted by one of our readers.
Grey mum, Katherine, about to be spayed, but thank goodness the vet was careful and is pro-life. Katherine is already one month pregnant. However, we were really lucky because the vet’s client who was interested in Katherine was overjoyed as she wanted a cat family, so Katherine is now adopted and will have her babies in another month’s time in a loving home.
It IS such a miracle to find homes for adult cats!
Now, for the kittens:
Molly, having a time of her life at Connie’s office.
She rules Oscar now.
One of our readers offered to look after Sydney, Hillary and Mindy.
Sydney, fast asleep on a cushion.
Hillary, the spokeswoman for everyone.
Hillary, Mindy and Sydney’s playtime with other cat-friends.
All three will be spayed when they are of age.