We have fully sponsored RM99 for the neutering of Whitey and subsidised RM100 for the spaying of Batik. Both are community cats looked after by Aravind and Ee Lynn.
From: aravind_vasudevan
Date: Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 3:04 PM
Subject: Whitey NEUTER Subsidy
To: chankahyein@gmail.com
Dear Dr. Chan,
I’d like to request for a neutering subsidy for male cat named Whitey.
Whitey is a stray street cat that I’ve been feeding for a while ; he’s usually around a Malay minimart, he sometimes gets scraps. He’s quite docile and friendly and I’d like to rehome him if possible. But for now its TNR.
(I initially thought she was female; so did the vet’s nurse at first glance)
The vet castrated him and issued the below receipt.
I also paid for his vaccination ( 5+1); Whitey deserves every chance possible on the street so I dont mind.
If I could get a subsidy for that I would be very grateful.About Batik:
We have also offered our vaccination subsidies as per policy.