We have fully sponsored RM200 for the neutering of these 2 male cats.
From: NiCoLe *
Date: Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:25 PM
Subject: Application for neutering subsidy for KFC cats – Alan & Salt
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>dear Dr. Chan,I often visit KFC near my area. I found that there are a lot of un-neutered cats at the backyard.They eat “rubbish” and drink dirty water. So pity! You can see their living condition from those pictures I uploaded. All rubbish and cockroach and rats around.Some of cats are even very friendly to human and look very nice.
I really with to bring them home when I saw their living condition.
But, unfortunately, I can’t.And what I can do the best for them is neutering.
I will now try to TNR them slowly.
These 2 male cats (Alan, Salt) are the 1st batch. These 2 guys will stay at my house for a short period of time after neutering because I will try to re-home them. If failed, then no choice that I have to release them to KFC.Here, I would like to apply for neutering subsidy and vaccination subsidy (later) for Alan and Salt.
Thank you myanimal care!
1st batch of KFC cats are:1. Alan male adult white &gold long-tail2. Salt male adult Brown Patched Tabby long-tailNiCoLe