Helping out on Day 3 today were Xiang Jun and Chun Eng.
Today was another day of educational efforts and sharing.
While the crowd wasn’t too interested in our merchandise…
…on all three days, we noticed that the pet apparel shoppe did extremely well.
In spite of the economic downturn, many pet owners generously bought clothes for their pets.
This shop was always crowded and full of customers. They were located diagonally opposite us so we got to see how pet owners chose clothes for their pets – it was no different from parents choosing clothes for their children.
There were many exotic pets on display and some went on their rounds too.
And this booth was also diagonally opposite us and was always full of visitors. It was the snake display. They came in various sizes and colours.
See? Pet clothes were selling like hot cakes!
Even though our down-to-earth merchandise weren’t popular in this event, we still thank all visitors who had come by to visit. We are glad many visitors got to know about our neutering aid now and some will be applying soon.
We would like to thank the organiser very much for inviting us to participate in this event and for the free booth to promote our work.
Many thanks to all volunteers on the three days too!